Sunday, August 7, 2022

Wrestling with Obedience

 Last night, I really wrestled with my mind, something I rarely do with such veracity.

I had a first meet/ date with a lady I met online in Baton Rouge. Long story, short : mid-way thru the dinner, she basically said she wasn't interested in seeing me again. Nothing rude or mean, just matter of factly. (my friend Todd, my dating counselor, said, "sounds like a bitch!" LOL)

Driving home, I was angry, frustrated, hurt, and just flipping tired of the seemingly endless chase to find someone to date.  I even woke up pissed off.

The doubts, fears, questions rattled non-stop in my mind, and I thought, "Man, I have to get my mind in obedience with God, just trust His timing, His plan."   It didn't work at that moment.

Then like God always does, He speaks to me through others.

First, I watched a devotional by Tony Evans, where he said we have to go to God's truth, and that truth will set us free.

Then, I went to Church of the King service, and guess what series started today?


Are you kidding me!!!???  

It's as if God wrote today's message just for me.

Pastor Steve spoke of renewing our minds with God's word & promises.  And how the devil can't read your mind, but can plant thoughts & see how you react.  God's word is the sword to fend off the devil's ploys.

Well, the devil got me last night. But God said "I got you" today.  God spoke to me about breaking down strongholds - the barriers the devil puts in my mind to frustrate me, to anger me, to cause loneliness and hurt.

"... to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ..."

II Corinthians 10:5

The strongholds come, and will continue to come, but God's word will break them down.


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